Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Understanding the Omnipresence of God

Kaleb, our 2 1/2 year old is in potty training.  He is so proud when he goes in the potty that he wants an audience.  Tonight he says "Dad!  I have to go poo-poo!"  I reassuringly respond by saying "That's great buddy!  Go ahead and go to the bathroom!" because he's capable of doing it on his own at this point.  Other than his stubborn streak he gets from his mother, he always goes in the toilet.

The problem tonight was that I was alone with the kids and Krystin was getting groceries.  So, being logical, I figure if I can't supervise all 3, then 2 out of 3 isn't too bad.  I walked with Kaleb back to the bathroom and then back to where the other 2 were playing.  Again, Kaleb wanted me to be there.  I said, "Kaleb, I can't be two places at once."  From the other end of the house I hear, "Kaleb, only God can do that.  I guess you'll just have to be with God."

So, if my kids can't be around me, they have to settle and "just be with God."  Is that blasphemy?  Probably, but I don't think God will hold that against a 4 1/2 year old.

Learning to be nice.

**Names have been changed to protect the innocent.**

Emma has now been in Pre-K for almost 2 weeks.  Today she came home and said a classmate of hers was mean to a friend.  They were all drawing self-portraits in class.  "Phineas" says to "Ferb", "Ferb, you look like a girl in your drawing."  I'm proud that Emma realizes that "Phineas" wasn't being nice to "Ferb", but then Emma says to us, "Well, he did look like a girl, but I wasn't going to tell him."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm going to miss him....

I tell this story, even at the risk of being judged a bad parent, because I love Emma's perspective on about anything that happens.  For those of you that have kids, you will understand when I say "It could happen to you."  For those of you that don't have kids, you may not understand, but it's pretty funny anyway.

We went to the Great Wolf Lodge this weekend with my brother's family and his sister-in-law's family.  In total, we had 11 kids (between 12 months and 11 years old) against 6 adults.  Overall, this was hardly a fair fight, but it was a great weekend anyway.

We woke up this morning and soon realized what those locks on the back of hotel room doors are for (see photo at left).  Not only are these things supposed to keep people out, but they are to keep 2 1/2 year old little boys where they are supposed to be while his parents are asleep and dead to world.

Kaleb (the 2 1/2 year old) is a great sleeper.  He'll probably major in it during college.  The rest of the famly can wake up and he'll be out for another 30 minutes.  Today was not that day.  Emma woke up and started moving around the room.  The bunk bed area of the room at the Great Wolf Lodge is away from everything else and not easy to see into.  After awhile, we looked in Kaleb's bed to see it empty.  Krystin starts to panic.  I'm not sure why I didn't panic, but I didn't.  I responded by saying "Call security at the front desk." with a tone of voice like it was no big deal.  Note to other dads:  I believe the appropriate tone of voice is somewhere between indifference ("We can always have another.") and total panic.

Both Krystin and Emma walk over toward the phone to call the front desk and Emma says "I'm sure going to miss Kaleb."  I'm not sure if Emma thought Kaleb was gone for good or what, but Emma wanted us to know she is actually fond of her brother.

Even though it was a scary moment, the front desk confirmed that our little Houdini was at the front desk playing computer games.  If you ever go to the Great Wolf Lodge (which I suggest you do), take a Sharpie and clearly write your room number on the wrist bands given to the kids.    My other thought is dog tags:  "Vaccinations Current.  If found, please call (405) 867-5309."  No that's not my number, but if you call it, I'll bet a girl named Jenny will answer.

Garage sale this weekend Friday and Saturday May 1-2 from 9am to 5pm both days! Check out the awesome website for advertising your garage sa...