Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Understanding the Omnipresence of God

Kaleb, our 2 1/2 year old is in potty training.  He is so proud when he goes in the potty that he wants an audience.  Tonight he says "Dad!  I have to go poo-poo!"  I reassuringly respond by saying "That's great buddy!  Go ahead and go to the bathroom!" because he's capable of doing it on his own at this point.  Other than his stubborn streak he gets from his mother, he always goes in the toilet.

The problem tonight was that I was alone with the kids and Krystin was getting groceries.  So, being logical, I figure if I can't supervise all 3, then 2 out of 3 isn't too bad.  I walked with Kaleb back to the bathroom and then back to where the other 2 were playing.  Again, Kaleb wanted me to be there.  I said, "Kaleb, I can't be two places at once."  From the other end of the house I hear, "Kaleb, only God can do that.  I guess you'll just have to be with God."

So, if my kids can't be around me, they have to settle and "just be with God."  Is that blasphemy?  Probably, but I don't think God will hold that against a 4 1/2 year old.

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