Saturday, December 4, 2010

Move over Brent Musberger

Emma and Kaleb share a room. Before Drew came along, they were going to get their own rooms, but with 2 rooms available and 3 kids, some sharing had to happen. Kaleb's favorite past-time is annoying his older sister. This happens most often when they go to bed. In Kaleb's defense, we have heard this dialoge take place numerous times:
Emma: (in a whisper) - Kaleb come here.

Kaleb gets out of bed going to Emma.

Emma: (yelling at the top of her lungs) KALEB IS OUT OF BED!!!!!!
But for every time that he was tricked by Emma, Kaleb has at least one instance of pure naughty-ness to his older sister. Tonight was no different.

Emma started with the "Kaleb is out of bed!!!" (short pause) "Kaleb is annoying me!!!"
Krysitn: Kaleb get back in bed! Ignore him Emma and face the wall!

As I got up to go to the kitchen I look back to their room and see Kaleb sitting on top of Emma clapping and being as annoying as possible and Emma is quietly facing the wall ignoring his antics. We discipline Kaleb and put him back in bed. Then we praise Emma for doing what we asked her to do.

A few minutes go by after we leave. Emma must have felt empowered by the praise we gave her and Kaleb equally determined to avoid our wrath if he gets out of bed becuase we hear the following play-by-play.

Emma: Mom! Kaleb is out of bed, in bed, out of bed, in bed, out of bed. Kaleb get in bed!

I can only imagine seeing Kaleb jumping in and out of bed as Emma let us know exactly what Kaleb was doing.

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