Sunday, July 24, 2011

Little Baby Jake

It's been forever since we posted anything on the blog.  We've posted some stuff on Facebook and we'll go back to try to add those here just to keep track of them.  Kaleb turned 3 then end of January and has since given us some awesome quotes.  Other items of note is that we're now expecting a 4th child. A few days ago when we told Kaleb that we are going to name the new baby boy Asher,
Kaleb said, "No, his name is Jake."
Krystin corrected him, "It's mommy and daddy's job to name the baby."
Kaleb:  You can name the baby whatever you want but I'm calling him Jake.

So last night during bedtime prayers Kaleb prayed, "God, thank you for mommy, daddy, Emma, Drewsie, Bernie, and baby Asher in mommy's tummy . . . I mean baby Jake."

Garage sale this weekend Friday and Saturday May 1-2 from 9am to 5pm both days! Check out the awesome website for advertising your garage sa...