Saturday, September 24, 2011

Battle for the Wet-Wipes

Emma is an amazing helper.  She helps with everything from telling Kaleb how wrong he is to putting Drew in a headlock when we tell her that she needs to help us make sure Drew won't run into the street. Most of the time, she's very, very helpful. Today, was a helpful day, but with a twist.

The kids got a treat today at lunch:  Chocolate Milk.  Emma had a nice milk mustache that she decided she needed to wipe off. Krystin was changing Drew's diaper so the wet wipes were within reach.  Emma grabbed one for her 'stache and as Emma grabbed it, Krystin took it from her to wipe up Drew. Emma, without saying a word, reaches for another. Just in time, Krystin took it, again for Drew. To Emma's dismay, Krystin did it a third time. Finally, Emma was able to get her own wet wipe for the milk mustache. Krystin then asked Emma to be a good helper and get a diaper for Drew. When Emma got back she had two diapers and said (with a bit of diva-tude and a raised eyebrow), "I got two because I was afraid you might take mine."

(Yes, I made up "diva-tude" because it is the only thing I could think of that adequately describes the diva attitude Emma frequently displays.)

Garage sale this weekend Friday and Saturday May 1-2 from 9am to 5pm both days! Check out the awesome website for advertising your garage sa...