Monday, September 20, 2010

The kind of boy you want to take home to meet your....Grandma!

Kaleb loves Mother's Day Out.  He loves the crafts, the snacks, the play time, and the grandmas.  Krystin and Kaleb were walking down the hall on the way out after MDO and Kaleb sees someone sitting at a desk doing some work.  Naturally, he says "Hey, how you doing?".  So Karis Stemen, who was working in her office, comes to her office door and starts chatting with Kaleb. 

Karis:  I'm good, how are you?
Kaleb:  I'm 2.
Karis:  Well, I'm not going to tell you how old I am.

After Krystin got Kaleb away and started walking down the hall towards the exit, Kaleb, in his matter-of-fact tone of voice said, "Grandmas like me."

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ice Cream Truck Blues

Our poor deprived kids have never had ice cream from the ice cream truck and honestly, I'm not sad about it. I think it is way overpriced, and I would much rather go to Braum's and get them a $0.79 junior ice cream cone than a buy a $3 popsicle from an ice cream truck.

Today when the kids were riding tricycles in the driveway, the ice cream truck went cruising our street, which is a rare thing, and the kids were in awe. Emma's eyes grew wide and  as she ran to the edge of the yard to look, and Kaleb yelled, "Mickey Mouse! I think Mickey Mouse is coming!" The truck rolled down our street with a giant Blue Bunny ice cream logo on the side. When the truck driver saw Emma at the edge of the yard, he stopped on the other side of the street in front of our house just in time to hear Emma yell to him, "Do you sell bunnies?" I was laughing too hard to hear his response.

Best-Friends Day

Emma loves holidays.  She loves doing special things on those special days that have been set aside for various reasons.  A few years ago between Mother's Day and Father's Day she was sad because there was not a Kid's Day.  So, in our family, the first Tuesday of June is always Kid's Day.  Today Emma was asking Krystin if there was a Best Friends' Day.

Emma:  Mom, is there a best friends' day?
Krystin:  I'm not sure.  There probably is but I don't know when it is.
Emma:  I have an idea!  How about we make a Best Friends' Day?  We can make it in August!
Krystin:  I have news for you Emma, it's already September.
Emma:  Oh man!  We missed Best Friends' Day!

This makes me think of something Joey Tribbiani would say.  (....pssst.....Joey Tribbiani was one of the 6 friends on F-R-I-E-N-D-S).

Garage sale this weekend Friday and Saturday May 1-2 from 9am to 5pm both days! Check out the awesome website for advertising your garage sa...