Friday, December 18, 2009

Bedtime Prayers (a.k.a. Bedtime Laughs)

I try to keep a straight face when Emma does something that she shouldn't, but it cracks me up and I'm dying laughing on the inside.  Tonight, I just couldn't hold it in.  We were praying at bedtime and I was last to pray.  My prayer goes something like this:

"God, thank you for today and being able to open presents.  Thank you for Kaleb and how much fun we have, how very smart Kaleb is..."  only to be interrupted.

Emma:  He's not very smart.
Dad:  Emma, that's naughty.  Kaleb is very smart and I don't want you to ever say that again.  Do you hear me? [Yes, I can hear my own father saying the exact same thing to me 25 years ago.]

Emma:  [Silence]
Dad:  Emma, do you hear me?
Emma:  Yes, I hear you.
Dad:  What did I say?
Emma:  You said 'Emma, do you hear me?'
Dad:  No, about Kaleb being smart.  I don't ever want to hear you say Kaleb is not smart.  Emma, I want you to say to me "I will never say Kaleb is not very smart.", okay?
Emma:  Okay.  "I will never say Kaleb is not very smart...hey, I just said it again!"

How in the world is a parent supposed to keep a straight face after hearing that?

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