Friday, May 21, 2010

A Kaleb-ism

Something about age two causes children to get funnier, at least in our house. Maybe it's because that is when they start to get more verbal. I'm sure their thoughts were always entertaining, we just couldn't hear them before. Here is a conversation I had with Kaleb on the way home from dropping Emma off at preschool today. I had the windows down because it was a nice day.

Kaleb: Mom, can you turn the wind off?
Me: I can't turn the wind off, God makes the wind.
Kaleb: Well he needs to fix it and turn it off.
Me: How do you think he would do that?
Kaleb: Probably with a screw driver. (His answer to anything that needs to be fixed.)
Me: Do you think God has a screw driver?
Kaleb: No. . . . I guess I'll give him mine.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Helping Mom

This morning was one of those morning where I had so much to do that I did not have my undivided attention on all the kids. This is usually recipe for big messes. When will I learn, right?

Yesterday we picked mulberries off the overloaded mulberry tree and have been looking up recipes, trying to decide what to make with them. In the meantime, the mulberries sat on the kitchen counter in a plastic pitcher waiting to be useful.

While I was making lunch, Emma found the mulberries and pulled them off the counter. I told her she could eat one, but she had to put it back after that. I didn't really follow through on making her put it back because I got distracted finishing lunch and keeping Drew happy until I could get his baby food. BIG MISTAKE!

During lunch I noticed the pitcher was completely empty. I asked Emma if she ate all of the mulberries. She said, "No, I filed them."  Um, come again? You filed them? Where? She pointed to the big accordion file that Jarod had left behind when he went to work this morning.

So, I spent the first part of nap time unfiling mushy mulberries from the accordion file. Good thing Jarod had take all of his important documents out of it already. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Always the Right Answer

Tonight Emma and Kaleb were being...well, Emma and Kaleb.  The two can go from hugging each other and being polite and nice to seconds later it's a WWE throwdown with Drew in the wings taking bets!  Kaleb was doing his little brother duties and irritating the heck out of Emma.  Emma responded in the best way she knew how...pinch his face until he quit.  In an effort to give a concrete example of the Golden Rule, Krystin asked Emma, "What if the next time you frustrate me I come up and pinch your face?"  Emma responded in her most innocent voice: "Mom, I will always love you no matter what you do."  After making Krystin speechless, Emma continued by quoting from the "I Love You Through and Through" book that names all of a person's body parts, "top side, your glad side, your back side, etc"  Emma got to the "bottom side" and said "Why would I love your bottom side, mom?  I don't know, but I love all of your parts mom!"

Garage sale this weekend Friday and Saturday May 1-2 from 9am to 5pm both days! Check out the awesome website for advertising your garage sa...