Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Emma Accepts Jesus

Our daughter, like most every child, seems to constantly be saying things that crack us up. We started this blog as a way to remember what she says as well as let everyone else in on the creative, amazing, and wonderful world that is obviously centered around Emma. Please enjoy and know that these all come straight from her, uncensored and unashamed.

Emma decided that she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart. She looks up at the ceiling and says "Jesus, will you come into my heart?" Then looks down at her heart and says "Oh, you're in there now." and continued to have her conversation with Jesus.

A few of my favorites from many months ago:

Emma and I were playing before bedtime and she loves being a Princess. I asked her, "If you're the Princess, does that make me the King?" I hoped to get affirmation that I was in deed the ruler of my house, er Kingdom. Instead, Emma replied "Silly daddy, you're not the King, you're Jarod."

While driving in the car, Krystin (Emma's mom/My wife) was talking to me...a lot. I said "Man, chicks talk a lot," implying that Krystin was talking my ear off. Emma quickly corrected me and said "Silly daddy, chickens don't talk."

Emma's Bedtime Prayer: Jesus, thank you that I'm a big girl, mommy's a big girl, and daddy's a big girl too. (I love knowing I'm just one of the girls!)

Silly Songs With Emma: "The farmer went to plant some cheetohs, but he was all of out cheetoh seeds."

To Pastor Phil Hause at church, "Gratulate me, I'm have a new born baby at my house." (Shortly after her baby brother Drew was born)

Emma: Mommy I want to be on TV.
Mommy: How do you think you get on TV?
Emma: You just jump in.

Emma's theory on fevers: If I drink something really fast, I can get the hiccups, and when I scare them away, the fever will be scared away too, all the way down to my toes. Then I can just kick them off.

While watching a nature show on TV about babies, Emma asked her mom "Why did that mommy just poop and the poop turned into a baby?"

Emma, while brushing her hair one morning:
Emma: Mommy, I need to get all the shapes out
Mommy: What shapes Emma?
Emma: You know, the rec-tangles!

Emma: Did you know that monsters are incorporated, mom?

Mommy caught Emma in the bathroom stomping on a roly poly with only a pair of shorts and cowboy boots and a jump rope in hand. She was yelling "Here comes cowboy Emma! I'll get that bug! Don't you come to my house again roly poly!"

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