Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Visit with Santa

Today we went to the mall to do a little Christmas shopping. Well, I would not recommend it with a three year old, 21 month old, and 3 month old. Needless to say, there was not much shopping accomplished.

Somehow we ended up chasing Kaleb around, trying to keep Emma walking rather than stopping to look at every jewelry, clothing, shoe, or toy store and holding Drew while pushing an empty double stroller. I guess we brought the stroller along to hold purchases.

While passing Zales, Emma said, "Mommy please can you buy me this pretty necklace? PLEASE!!!?" Hmmm, what can I say, the girl has expensive taste. I said, "Uhhhh no." She said, "What about a golden ring?" She had been listening to the 12 days of Christmas in the car. :)

Somehow we ended up passing Santa, and even though we have already visited Santa this year, Emma just had to see him again. First maybe I should give you a little background on how we approach Santa at our house.

Ok, label me a fun spoiler and bad mom, but we tell our kids that Santa is not real. We have told them that it is something fun we just pretend about. Maybe it's just that I don't want some chubby guy at the mall that is getting paid to let my kids sit on his lap take the credit for all my Christmas shopping and present wrapping, but that is just how we do it at the Morris house.

Well try as we might, we can't seem to convince Emma that he is not real. I even used the analogy of Halloween. I said, even though you dressed up like Cinderella, you were not Cinderella. The man at the mall dresses like Santa, but he is not Santa Clause. There really isn't a Santa, we just pretend about it. She will say, "I know, mom" then talk about him like he's real in the next sentence. Today was no different.

Mommy: Emma, come on, keep up with us.
(She ignores us and walks over to this mechanical car you can "ride" put in the mall by people who clearly hate parents and climbs on. )

Then, I put her in the stroller since she did not come when called. While buckling her, I notice a milk mustache and do the mommy finger lick and wipe. She starts screaming, "No, I need a dirty face! I need a dirty face!!" Good thing she's not dramatic. :-)

Mommy: Emma you can make a good choice and ride quietly for a few minutes, then I will let you walk again, or you can make a bad choice, keep screaming, and we can just go home.

Then she saw Santa. After much begging to go talk to Santa, we relented. This was their conversation.

Emma: Am I on the good list?
(maybe feeling guilty about the previous dramatic display)

Santa: Ummmm, what  would you like for Christmas sweetheart?
(Nice dodge, Santa!)

Emma: A princess!! A pink and purple one!

Santa: (to Kaleb) And what would you like for Christmas?

Kaleb: ummmm. . . . .higyrdahkli

Santa: (to Emma) What did he say?

Emma: We don't always know. . . .

Santa: How about a train? CHOO CHOO!!!

Kaleb: uh-huh

That was all I overheard from the conversation. Needless to say, that is probably the last family trip to the mall for a while, at least for the purpose of shopping.

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